Festa Italiana 2024 Weekend: September 13th and 14th

The Italian Weekend is happening September 13th and 14th in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

We will be opening the Italian Canadian Cultural Centre in Halifax to share our Italian Culture, Language, Food, music and activities for the kids. They will love to try the new Andiamo a Pescare - Let's Go Fishing game and win prizes.

We have lots happening during the weekend, including all your Italian Food favourites - Gnocchi, Lasagna, Pizza, Sausages and Arrosticini, both hot off the BBQ. Not to mention the desserts - Cannoli, Crostoli, Crostata and mouth-watering Tiramisu.

Check out our Italian Library of books, talk to folks about Life in Italy, and even learn a little Italian with a short Italian Language lesson.

There will also be 3 Wine-Tasting sessions offered and tickets for those will need to be pre-purchased online.

Access more details here on our Festa Italiana event page — you will not want to miss out.

If you are looking to volunteer or donate prizes for the Raffle draw/ children’s fishing game… we have more details here.


Donate prizes

Sponsor the Festa


Many thanks to our current sponsors for the 2024 Festa Italiana:

Cherubini Group, Good Robot Brewing Company, Pointe Group Design

The ICCA-NS Member's First Club Night of 2024 was a Great Success!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on August 1st for THE ICCA Club Night FOR MEMBERS.

We plan to continue these events every month, and you can join us for the September Club Night (a little early due to the Festa Italiana Weekend planning) on Thursday, August 29th, from 6:30 - 9:00pm.

Read (in Italian and English!) what one of our long-time ICCA members, Mariolina Koller-Fanconi, had to say about this event… and check out some of the pictures below .


Incontro serale dei soci dell’ICCA

Ma che l’ICCA stia diventando un club notturno? mi son detta leggendo il recente invito. Buonissima l’idea di organizzare un incontro serale dei soci dell’ICCA, la nostra associazione creata dall’animo espansivo degli immigrati italiani, dei loro figli e degli affezionati amici canadesi.

Un’associazione sta in vita se i soci esistono non soltanto sulla lista di chi ha pagato la tassa sociale dell’anno corrente, ma anche in persona, e l’incontro dell’altra sera (giovedì 1° agosto 2024 dalle sei e mezzo fin verso le nove) ha dimostrato che l’ICCA sta fiorendo. Non eravamo in tanti, forse nemmeno una cinquantina, ma almeno per me è stata un’occasione veramente piacevole di rivedere vecchi amici ancora degli anni pre-Covid e di fare la conoscenza anche di nuovi giovani soci che, sono sicura, diventeranno miei amici.

Spero che questo genere di incontri - in avvenire eventualmente accompagnati da un triangolo di pizza ed un goccio di Prosecco - diventi un’abitudine.

Arrivederci quindi al prossimo incontro che avrà luogo spero fra non molto.

~ Mariolina

Evening get-together of ICCA members

Is the ICCA now becoming a nightclub? I asked myself reading the recent invitation. What a good idea to organize an evening get-together of ICCA’s members, our association that was created by the feeling souls of Italian immigrants, by their children and their affectionate Canadian friends.

An association remains alive not only if its members are on the list of the ones who paid the fee for the current year but also personally and the get-together of a few evenings ago (on Thursday, August 1st, 2024, from 6 to around 9 PM) has proven that ICCA is blooming.

We were not many, maybe less than fifty, but still, for me, it’s been a splendid opportunity to see some old pre-Covid friends again and to get acquainted with new, even young members, who will certainly become my friends too.

I hope that this kind of event in future - possibly accompanied by a square of pizza and a glass of Prosecco - will become a habit.

Therefore, see you at the next get-together that I anticipate will take place shortly.

~ Mariolina

Join us on Thursday, August 29th, from 6:30 - 9:00pm.

NOTE: Members are permitted to sign in 1 guest only (note: this is a legal rule with our liquor license) for Club Nights, and guests are only allowed to attend one Club Night as a guest. After that, we would request that guests ​register as a member​.

We offer several levels of membership, from our non-voting social or student membership to senior and individual memberships, as well as family and corporate memberships. You can check them all out here on our website.

Italian Club Members club night

Italian Picnic 2024 at Oakfield Park

The ICCA-NS Italian picnic will take place on Sunday, July 21st, at Oakfield Park.

This is an ICCA MEMBERS ONLY event, and is open to members and their families.

When: Sunday, July 21, 2024 (rain date July 28th)

Where: Oakfield Park - 366 Oakfield Park Road, Oakfield, NS (Google Map details)

Time: Park is open 8am to 7pm.

EVENT DETAILS: There will be fun and games for everyone, including a Spaghetti eating contest for adults and kids, 3-legged race, an egg toss … and more.

FOOD: Bring your own food to eat and/or Barbeque (Bring your own BBQ).

NOTE: The park opens at 8 am and closes at 7 pm. Arrive early to get a picnic table.

Swimming in the lake is available and is supervised by life guard. *


What happens at the Italian picnic?

Everyone brings their own food for the day and their own BBQ, usually a tabletop BBQ. The park closes at 7pm, so usually people bring something to cook at lunch and supper. Oftentimes, people have extra dessert, fruit, or whatever to share with those around them. It is a day filled with Italian family and friends to connect and have a fun and relaxed time.

More about Oakfield Park

Oakfield Park is a great day trip destination. Bring your blanket and picnic basket. There are outhouses. Dogs are permitted on leash only. Boaters can launch into the waters of Grand Lake. The park also features great walking trails.  Click here for more details on Oakfield Park.

* Lifeguards are on duty from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm on fair weather days only.