Sunday Dinner - March 24th 2024

Please join us for Sunday Dinner with Family and Friends at the Italian Club in Halifax.

The menu includes:

Primo: Gnocchi al pomodoro (Gnocchi w/ tomato sauce)
Secondo: Pollo arrosto con salsa di funghi w/ potatoes, vegetables, fresh salad & roll. (Chicken w/ mushroom sauce)
Dolce: Homemade Apple Cake

Dinner is served from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm ** DINE-IN ONLY**

Tickets are purchased online via our website.

ICCA Members: $30
Non Members: $35
Children under 12: $15
Dolce: $ 3

Tickets are limited to 100. This allows us to have enough tables for everyone to sit and enjoy their dinner with no rush to move you out and seat more people.


Prefer to pay by Cash or etransfer?

We realize the online method is not for everyone, but it does help the volunteers organizing these events and saves volunteer hours manually tracking the orders.

You can reach out to our office (902-435-5327) to make offline payment arrangements, but please note until your payment has been confirmed, we cannot save the tickets.

Join us from 4:30pm to 7:00pm

Annual General Meeting Notice - March 3, 2024

The Annual General Meeting for the Italian Canadian Cultural Association of Nova Scotia has been set.

The date is Sunday, March 3rd, at 2:00 pm, with registration at 1:30 pm.

We plan to have a social time after the meeting is over, so please plan to stay for coffee, tea, and refreshments.


Members in good standing with their 2023 membership fee paid up to date by February 19, 2024.

Note that we did reach out (via email and phone calls) to anyone who did not renew for 2023 if you did have a membership in 2022 or 2021 with options on updating your membership for 2023.


Join us at the meeting, hear all the updates from this past year, have your voice, and vote on our future.

* Any members wishing to introduce new business at the AGM shall submit written notice to the president at least five days in advance of the AGM. Any new business submitted will be presented at the AGM and dealt with by the new executive elect at a later date.


You can fill out our proxy form and assign your vote to another registered member. More details to follow on the forms for this.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Festa dei Cacciatori - Our Hunter's Feast was a Raving Success!

The Festa dei Cacciatori/Hunter’s Feast 2024 was an amazing cohosted event between the Trevisani nel Mondo of Nova Scotia and the ICCA NS.

As President of the ICCA NS, I was extremely proud of all that we accomplished together. The delicious, five-course meal, whether it be the wild menu or the alternative menu, was a treat to the senses and compliments to everyone who worked so hard to make it all happen. 

We cannot tell you how much we appreciate all your support! This event sold out in 12 days, and that includes the early notice to our members too.

Note to everyone: Folks are very interested in our events at the ICCA; please buy your tickets early whenever we send out our event notices. Members do get early notice, which is just one of the benefits of being an ICCA member. (Learn more about membership here.)


Special thanks go to

Renato Gasparetto, Danilo Gasparetto, Michael Gasparetto, and Sabrina Lawrence for leading the Event.

Bruna Meggetto for heading the lasagna and dessert making along with Maria M, Lanfranco N, Veronica S and Karen S.

Amadeo R, Lou V and Darren C for their help in the kitchen.

Enrico G,  Luca G, Stephen G, Renato G, Danilo G and Amadeo R for their hunting skills in helping to acquire the delicious meat for the meal. 

Hall setup crew Mara G, Carol R, Claudia B, Norma B, Tania M, Sandra G, Jeff P.

Kitchen staff on the day of the event - Fernando S, Sabrina L, Renata V, Nadia G, our dishwashers Marco C and Kirk C.

Last but not least, our eight amazing servers - Matteo, Giorgia, Ryan, Isobel, Olivia, Michelle, Cameron, Teresa and our Bar team Alex, Nick and Lori, led by Marco Chiarot. 

Special thanks go out to Renato and Michael Gasparetto for their dedicated and tireless help in making this event happen every year.

Enjoy a few of the highlights of the evening, and we will see you next year!

Sandra Gardin,

President of the ICCA-NS.